DC Frittata Tour Stop #3, Common Good City Farm |
Boston. It's happening. In four days. I spent a good 20 minutes this morning with my head between my knees, followed by breathing into a paper bag trying to dispel the sheer panic that has become an alarming part of my daily existence. I've scheduled meetings. I booked a rental car. A hotel room waits. More particularly, I am taking up precious time of people who have very little of it, so I need to be meticulously prepared. Yes, yes, this is all becoming quite real.
[Please hold while I do some more deep ugi breathing.]
Shelter area used for cooking demos, classes and farm meetings. There's electricity and a sink! Luxuries I don't usually have at demos. |
Last week slipped away from me, and this is really a luxury I can not afford. Writing needs to take place a wee bit more often. I wish I was better at writing late at night or post-happy hour (or maybe better at just skipping happy hour, hmmm??). That time frame worked well when I only wrote about dating and cute boys. Rambling and giggling tirades felt right in that situation. Not so much here. Sobriety. What a drag. Sigh.
This makes me want to sing the Dead Presidents of the USA's "Peaches" song. You know the one..."Peaches come in a can, they were put there by a man, who works in a factory." Except peaches don't. They come on trees. Like this one in Common Good City Farm. |
A week ago, I continued my unofficial DC Frittata Demo Tour over at
Common Good City Farm in the Shaw neighborhood. The event was for their "Green Tomorrows" program which reaches out to low-income neighbors and provides them with a crate of the farm's produce in return for 2 hours of work in the garden each week. And what a garden it is! This place has food bursting out everywhere. No nook or cranny is unfilled. I mean, there's a peach tree! A peach tree! I stumbled around my tour of the area simply gawking. To think that the farm sits on what was once an abandoned school's baseball field only makes it more spectacular. It is a true snapshot of an urban garden. Certainly Common Good will make a worthy first entry in my articles for Food Fighters on Zomppa. Look for it this weekend!
A view of both garden and surrounding neighborhood
The signs that label the produce are all cute and hand-painted. (But, this is the cutest.) |
You can bring your compost to Common Good! I can't wait to start doing this. (As soon as I find a spot to keep it where Lola won't eat it before I get it there. Argh.) |
Look at all that green! |
Speaking of Zomppa, I'm a little behind linking to the M@M piece from last week. (Or maybe I'm just wishful thinking because I have another one due...um, right now.) Click
here and check out some super easy blueberry cornbread and my love letter to DC.
Blueberry Corn Cake- Dig it. |
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